Newsgroup downloads are very very simple. It’s a 3 step process.
The first step is to look for a usenet service provider. Your best bet regarding this is to search around for a trusted review site and take their opinion. If you don’t enjoy the service, most providers will refund you your money back. Most usenet providers offer a fee to gain access to the service containing the articles your interested in. Once you sign up to your provider, you will be given a server name, ports and a username. You will need this information for step 2.
Step 2 is the software required to gain access and communicate with an NNTP server, which is the protocol usenet runs off of. Software is available for mac osx, windows and linux. I have used many applications and all of them were freeware so you don’t have to spend a dime on good software for your usenet. Once installed, the software allows you to add a server. Select this setting and plug in all of the information provided by your usenet service provider. Once completed, your ready to start downloading articles from your favourite newsgroup.
Step 3 is finding your articles of interest. If you know which newsgroup is of interest to you, you may add it to your server properties which allows you to browse the group for articles of interest to you. Once you find articles of interest to you, download away. Are you looking for a specific article and your unsure of what group they may be in? Some newsgroup software applications have a search feature built in. Usually, you must pay for this service though. All of the applications I have tested charged me a couple dollars per month to use the built in search tool. As for a free route, do a Google search for “free usenet search”. The top sites in that search will provide you with free websites offering this search capability. These websites will provide you a NZB file for the binary files of interest to you. Simply download this file to your computer and import it in your newsgroup software application. Your software will give you an option to “IMPORT NZB”, use this setting to load your file and articles of interest to you.